Friday, February 17, 2012

House Tour: Boys' Bathroom -- Before & After

At this rate, the world will end before I finish this house tour. Can I give up procrastination for lent? Argh.

So, I will say as I dive into this next spot that I LOVE this room. I know, I say that alot. Do I? I feel  like I do. This is the boys shared bathroom and a dream come true when it comes to hiding kid stuff. I love that this room is away from guests and traffic and it can be a full-on, child friendly zone.

Our vibe was retro modern, I guess. I wanted to go shiny chrome, lots of curvy, vintage-esque fixtures, and penny tile--definitely penny tile. A trendy pick, to be sure, but I can't help my love of the little round coins. They are adorable. We originally were going to do a different color, but when we stumbled upon 2 random boxes of light green tile in the clearance aisle at the Depot (an internet return), we were sold. There wasn't quite enough tile to cover the floor so after a little bit of a treasure hunt, I found the exact same tile on (This house is truly the home that Overstock built.)

Classic subway was a carry over from the kitchen (which will be shown here soon!), but here we kept it simple (read: cheap) and went for the super duper basic subway that is always in stock at the HD. (Okay, the house that Overstock and Home Depot built.) And the granite was a remnant choice that would have cost double what we paid if we picked it out from a full slab. Except for the kitchen, we used remnant pieces in the entire house and have granite pretty much everywhere.

The paint is the same as in the living room and very simple. I wanted the room to feel classic so that we could change around accessories as the boys get older without being too tied into a theme. Oh, and we saved the existing, very nice bathtub and had it professionally re-glazed. A great option if the tub just needs a little facelift.

You can't really see the vanity light below, but here it is in the original design board I created:
 And as you can see from this, we made some changes along the way, but pretty much stuck to initial vision. It is a pretty swanky bathroom for two little boys, I must say.

The details:
Walls: Sherwin Williams Modern Gray
Trim and Woodwork: Sherwin Williams Dover White
Light Fixure and Faucet: Overstock
Shower fixtures: Kitchen Source (I think?)
Subway tile: Home Depot (in store, in-stock)
Penny tile: special order Home Depot/Overstock

Sometimes I look at these pictures (that's pregnant me, by the way) and am scared that I let Riley touch anything.


Still to-do paint or not to paint? I like it bamboo, but...
Shower curtain rod--still. It's all baths, all the time up in here!
Cabinet hardware. Anthropologie is calling my name!

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